The “Med” Sang Menace

Grumpy Vamp's Guide to the GVC

ChurchLadySpecial Dana Carvey as “The Church Lady” on SNL

I recently received a copy of a document that has been circulating for a few weeks in the back-channels of the GVC. Normally, I would ignore something as puerile as this manifesto, for lack of a better term. However, there’s a community-wide chat in Lady CG’s Darkened Mirror server on Discord ( happening tomorrow, October 20, 2018 at  8pm – 10pm EST 6pm to 9pm mountain (-7GMT). The topic is: “Community Hijacking”- When someone decides the owner isn’t “Doing it right” and I think this document is a prime example of how not to address concerns over the direction of a group.

I want to say upfront that, yes, posting this document is technically a violation of the Golden Rule of GrumpyVamp because it calls out specific individuals. However, Grumpy has graciously allowed me to post it because Grumpy feels there are…

View original post 6,737 more words

Story Time: My Path Through the Vampiric Community

Grumpy Vamp's Guide to the GVC

About a decade ago, I wrote an essay that I jokingly titled “What I did over my summer vacation AKA How I became a donor”. Things have changed drastically in the community since I wrote that, let alone since I first found the community roughly 20 years ago. Heck, I’m on the third computer since that essay and my 5th hard drive. I might have the essay somewhere on a hard drive that isn’t dead. There’s likely a version floating around the internet somewhere, but it’s really out of date, so, this is a take on that, but more updated to fit today’s community and how we interact now.

I’ve sat on a precarious perch, one foot in the vampiric community, one foot out. I am not a vampire, though I have family, friends, and loved ones who are. I am not a “normal human”, “mundane”, “vanilla”, “nil”, or whatever…

View original post 1,755 more words

CISPA Blackout


The Donor not a Döner blog is blacked out in protest against CISPA, a bill which roughly equates to a “Patriot Act” for internet accounts. This bill gives the United States government the right to put the equivalent to a wiretap on your email, forum, and social media accounts, with no warrant needed.
The Vampiric Community is very big on privacy, and keeping our dayside separate from our nightside. This bill could try to force every vampire and donor “out of the coffin”, at the risk of losing jobs, leading to nasty custody battles, etc.


Totally unrelated to vampirism, but so is a majority of my life. I’m sorry, but the world doesn’t revolve around them, much as they wish it would be so…


Some of you might know that I’m musically inclined. A good number of my friends are musicians (and they even make a living at it, they’re that good). Now, I’m not claiming to be some virtuoso, but I do have a bit of a knack for matching sounds together and making a nice tune out of them. I’ve been writing music since I was a teen (it was required for my music theory and appreciation class, and well, I just never stopped), and I’ve a few completed songs on my computers, in addition to some half finished songs. I was cajoled the other day to play some of my songs for an audience. Now, it was online in a room, so the audience wasn’t easy to peg down. I queued up one of my songs, and as the first strains came out of my speakers, I instantly ran off to be sick from nerves. The person who needled me into playing my stuff kept an eye on my song’s stats for me…

I had several people love the song, and up vote it, and a few of them snagged the song into their queue to play at a later date. Then, to make matters worse, they wanted more. I about fainted straight away. I know I’m decent, but it’s against my nature to think I’m really awesome at something, especially when so many of my friends are so talented at the same thing. So, I queued up a second song, thinking “Okay, they won’t like it as well as the first because it’s a completely different style, and unlike the first, there’s no 8bit undertones to it.”

Yeah. I was wrong. If anything, they liked that song even better than the first. I was (and still am) flabbergasted at their reaction. They clamored for more, where they could down load the songs, how they could pay me…

So, I’m currently working on setting up an account at , a highly respected site for independant musicians to give quality merchandise and makes keeping track of payments and the like easy on the artists. I put a few songs up to listen (not down loadable) at . My goal is to have a full album uploaded to BandCamp by the end of February/early March and available for purchase. I just need to tweak a few things: render the files in a lossless format, determine the track order, design a cover for the album, and make a banner for the page. The last one is the trickiest. I’m not really all that graphically talented. I’m currently asking for some friends to maybe draw something up for me.

It’s all so exciting, though. I mean, I doubt I’ll ever make a living off of my music until I finish school and get a decent resume (I’ve applied for the Academy of Art’s music program), but still… This is something I didn’t really think I’d see.

Pardon me while I run off to do several happy dances.

My baby’s all grown up!

Gah, I’m feeling old. My (unofficially adopted) daughter is engaged! I’ve known her since she was a little little thing, & I honestly couldn’t be happier for her. Her fiance seems to be a total sweetheart.
Well, I was so happy when she asked me to help with the wedding. I cannot express it in words. I admit it, I teared up. I mean, while I didn’t give birth to her, she’s my lil baby. So, I’ve been scouring bridal magazines I had stashed in a closet, & fishing around for ideas. I have an idea of what she wants, so I’m ripping out pictures & popping them in a folder for her to look at.
The hardest part? Figuring out how to word the invitations in a formal manner, and respecting the groom’s parents, but still including the bride’s adoptive parents, with a nod to her birth parents (who are not in the picture). Yup. My girl wants a big formal wedding. The way I’m seeing it, she wants a gothic royal wedding. I’m going to do my best to see that she gets it.
She has strict rules that if I turn into Momzilla, she’s to bop me upside the head. So, I’m going to go relax with a nice glass of merlot, put away the bridal pile, & annoy my cat & daughter a bit.

Why am I still surprised?

Warning: There is a link to NSFW content in this post.

About two months ago I wrote a pair of posts/articles/whatever you want to call them. They were deemed highly controversial for what I talked about. I don’t regret what I called attention to, namely the way donors and non-vamps are sometimes treated in the online and offline vampire community. The first post came across pretty darned bitchy, so I wrote a calmer version a day or two later.

Either way, I got a barrage of comments on here and on facebook groups where it was linked. Some sided with me (Yay!), but a large number, well… To be honest, a good number were not nice, polite, etc. A large percentage of those comments seem to be from people who didn’t actually read the whole blog post, just the title of the first one, and thought “HOMG! That bitch is attacking that guy! Who dafuq does she think she is?” I’ve gotten threats against my life, just because I didn’t like what a group of people (not just one singular person) said about people like me. Tough shit. I’m an adult, I live in the United States, where we have the right to free speech. Despite claims to the contrary, I didn’t edit anyone’s comments. I approved every comment on those two posts, whether they were “Pro-Pixie” or not. The only time I disapproved or edited comments in the entire time this blog has been up is if it was a spam comment promoting some stupid website, or, like I saw yesterday when I checked my email, someone posted the same comment on 4 different posts on my blog.


Yup. That’s the post. Did I look at the porn linked? No. A friend of mine did. Let’s just say, ew. Want to watch it yourself? Here you go. So, yeah.

I’m pissed. Why? I could just ignore this, and put it in the stupid threat that no one will follow through on, just like I have on the death threats. There’s just one big, and I mean big, difference.

No one has tried to kill me before. But, on the other hand, I have been raped before.

Yes, I’m a rape survivor. I had a person force themself on me against my will, and no matter how much I may dislike or even hate my worst enemy, I would never, and I mean NEVER, wish that upon anyone.

So. What am I going to do about it? Nothing. Confused? Here’s what I propose. Donor’s do their own form of a “sit-in”. Now, for those of you who are not quite sure what that is, I’ll spell it out for you. Back in the day, during the Hippy era and the civil rights protests in the late 50’s, early 60’s, people would gather and sit in protest against war or inequality. They’d just sit there, maybe sing a song, but that’s all they’d do. Sit.

Well, in this day and age, it’s somewhat impractical to do something like that. So I ask for donors to go on strike. Starting Wednesday, October 24th, until Halloween, a week later, don’t feed your vampire(s). Explain to your vampire why you’re on strike, that it’s a shame that donors that speak up against abuse are threatened abuse. That those who were not “blessed” to be born a vampire, but want to be involved to better your lives through friendship and being a possible food source, are treated like animals, like “cattle”. Now, if you’re lucky, like I am, and have vampires in your life who are cool, treat you like an equal, etc., kudos for you. But, still go on strike. After I publish this post, I’m calling or texting my vampires and letting them know that the buffet is closed.

Now, it’s been suggested to me by a close friend that the strike should be for longer than a week. But, I’m not going to risk people’s health over this. I figure that one week is long enough to make a point, but short enough that people won’t suffer serious health complications from lack of feeding. Stock up on substitutes, people. If other donors out there want to extend the strike, don’t go longer than a month. Myself, it would lead to issues. I donate because I have to. I’m the energetic opposite of a psychic vampire. While vamps need to eat energy, I need to drain it.

I’m adding this post to my list of “Publish all comments unedited, no matter what”. Even if they aren’t legible. Even if they, yet again, threaten me physically. I’ll also cross-link this post to a couple of Facebook groups and some forums I’m on. If you read this, whether you agree with it or not, pass it on. Spread the word.

Through the Eyes of “Swans”, an RVN article

Republished from with permission.


Good evening to all our readers. In all the time that RVN has been operating we have focussed on the vampires view of the sub-culture and the views and opinions of members of the VC/OVC. We came to the realisation, on or about the 3rd of August this year, that we had not addressed ourselves to one of the most vital components of the whole picture ~ the ‘Swans’ or Donors who give of themselves that vampires might maintain themselves and be fit and well.

It is true that, in a large part, the ‘Swans’ tend to get forgotten to some extent in the whirl and bustle of vampire society, most vampires recognise the inherent value of the relationship with their donors, nearly all vampires recognise that without these donors they will probably not be completely well, fit and happy. There are, however, a few who believe that donors are second class citizens in the culture and this is perhaps the most abhorrent attitude that appears from time to time.

With all this said, and in mind, we decided to rectify our unforgivable oversight and we invited three, highly respected community members as our special guests to join us with the ‘Swans point of view’.


We are delighted, and honoured, to welcome to RVN Swan Queen, Acrophobic Pixie and Cheri.



RVN: Good evening and welcome, it is a great pleasure for us to be able to welcome you here ladies.

SQ: Good evening, thanks for having me.

AP: Thank you for having me.

C: Good evening.


RVN: To begin, would you tell us a little about yourself, how long you have been active in the VC/OVC and a bit about what have you been up to since you arrived?

SQ: Sure. I’m a Colorado native who has moved to Louisiana within the past year to be in a committed relationship with my vampire. When I’m not at work I’m busy persuing my hobby as a roller derby referee- I used to be a skater but my knees can’t take the abuse any more.  I’ve been active in the OVC since my late 20’s- as far as the VC community goes, I haven’t been too active. To be honest, I haven’t been doing anything really as there doesn’t seem to be much “room” for us donors quite yet.

AP:  I’ve been involved with the vampire community since my early teens, due to the fact that I have a sibling who is vampiric. I’ve been a member of many forums and websites over the years, but most notably the Black Swan Haven, which is my baby. I’m also a representative of the VVC (Voices of the Vampire Community), and have been for several years, now.

C: While I have been a donor for over 20 years, I have only been involved with the VC in a limited way for about the last 10 years, and the OVC only a few years. I have written a few articles on donors in various places, and have been involved in a few interviews, but most of my efforts in the OVC are centered on the one on one interactions with people and in the few places I am active online.

I plan on being a bit more active from now on in an effort to reach more potential donors, and to help them be as informed as they can be.



RVN: Would you mind sharing with us what type of “Swan” you are; that is sanguine, psi or other? And what term do you prefer be applied to it, swan or donor?

SQ: I am a sanguine swan. To me, the term “swan” is more poetic than anything so “donor” works.

AP: Swan, donor, it makes no difference to me. Technically, I would be considered an amber swan, since I’m available for both sang and psi donations, but primarily I’m a crystal swan (psi donor) for my primary vamp and my brother.

C: I donate both Psi/energy and Sang/blood, but I am primarily a Sang/ blood donor. And I much prefer the term donor over swan.


RVN: What was the catalyst that made you decide that you needed to find “vampires” and become Swans/Donors?

SQ: I always knew that I was different. When I reached my late twenties, I had what I can only describe as this intense yearning and ache deep within me. I couldn’t place my finger on it but I knew I had to do something about it. I tried burying it deep within me but it kept on surfacing to the top. I became so intent on finding real vampires then–I knew that there had to be more than what Hollywood and Anne Rice had to offer.

This was around the mid ’90s and the beginning of my true search. Eventually, literally after years of researching, reading (Katherine Ramsland), searching and sifting through the wannabes and online players I finally found the OVC, and also what exactly that yearning and ache was all about–I was a donor.

AP: Honestly? My brother was being a stubborn dumb ass. He was in the military, stationed overseas, and wasn’t able to find a donor. The night/club scene was either sketchy or non-existent, so he couldn’t skim off of the crowd effectively. He was slowly “starving” himself. So, I read some books, did some experiments, and learned how to do long distance psi feedings for him.

C: I did not actively seek vampires at the start. I had a good friend that lost his donor and asked me if I would be willing to donate to him. After that he introduced me to some of his friends and I learned of the need for safe and sane donors. I chose to continue being a donor after his un-timely death.



RVN: Swans/Donors are not usually as highly visible in the VC/OVC as their counterparts, why do you think this is? Is it a question of “a donor’s primary role” or “the elusive power behind the throne”?

SQ:  I don’t think that we have “the elusive power behind the throne”. We just seem to be outnumbered. The few donors that do choose to speak up in certain circles are usually well received, however, there will always be those vampires that view us with disdain and feel that we don’t matter. I think that it’s this negative treatment that keeps the majority of donors from speaking up- they are intimated but that’s not the case for me.  In regards to the OVC especially, since the majority of topics are geared towards vampires in general I know that I don’t have a say in most things as I am not a vampire and that I don’t know what they are going through- I can only sympathize.

AP: From what I’ve heard over the years from several vampires and donors is that quite a few donors peek into forums because their vamp is a member, and after they see some of the drama, back right out. The drama drives them away. Me, I could care less if what I say causes drama or not.

Now, my House that I was in was “ruled” by my older brother. As a non-vamp, I technically had no power on policy that didn’t concern donors and other non-vamps, but I would give him my opinion, and he respected me for it, whether he factored it in to his actions or not. Vice versa. He had no technical say on our policies, but I would take his opinion into consideration.

C: There are many reasons I have seen used by, and about donors to keep them from being visible in the community. I do not agree with most reasons, but, I also understand some of them. The community in general seems to love their donors, but many do not want them to be active and visible for what they feel are safety reasons. (safety for the vampire), or because they feel their donor may be “poached” if they are visible. There is also a small group of vampires that seem to feel they are “better than” or “above” their donors and have the right to dictate what they are allowed to do. This small section of the community seems to feel donors have no place in the general community.  I disagree with these lines of reasoning, but respect their right to have those reasons. It still will not stop me from being active and open in the community.



RVN: Can you foresee a time when you will no longer wish to be a Swan/Donor?

SQ: Never. It is a vital part of who I am and it will never change.

AP: When I’m dead, or if my energy balances itself out on its own. I’m kind of like the opposite of a psi vamp. They don’t make enough energy; I make/gather too much energy. As long as there are vampires, there’s going to be people like me to balance them out, in my opinion.

C: I do not foresee such a time. I plan on being a donor unless my health would be at risk from doing it.



RVN: Do you, as Swans/Donors, have ‘contracts’ with more than one vampire at a time or is it an exclusive “contract”? And, which do you think is better?

SQ: Well, I can only answer for myself. I am the exclusive donor to my vamp. By nature I prefer one-on-one relationships because to me, involving any more people to the mix can get messy and complicated- I also feel that the more people that are in such a delicate situation, especially when blood is involved, there is a much higher risk to everyone’s health. I don’t think that any type of contract is any better than any other, it’s just a matter of personal choice.

AP: At this time, I have a primary vampire, in addition to a few others whom I have on the back burner for when my energy levels get too high, and it’d be too much to shove into my primary. One of the backup vamps is my brother, and the rest are close friends. My primary vamp has been in a donor/vamp relationship with me since 2006, and we’ve been friends since 04ish.

Which is better? Honestly, whatever floats your boat. If your body can handle the stress, and you’re doing it safely (especially blood donors, spacing out the feedings so you don’t donate more than the Red Cross suggests), that is fine, cool, and groovy. If it can’t handle it, cool. Stick with one.

C: I prefer to be exclusive on both sides of the situation. I do not like for the vampire I feed to have other donors. I have been part of a situation where they had more than one donor, but the other donor was someone I knew well and trusted as much as I trusted the vampire.  I have also been a “fill-in” donor a few times when a donor friend was sick or unable to donate for a long period of time. I just prefer not to do such things.



RVN: How long have you been a Swan/Donor? And, has it ever become a ‘threatening’ situation?

SQ: I’ve been a swan for many years and an actual donor for almost a full year now. It has never been a threatening situation for me- quite the opposite actually. If it ever became a bad situation I’d be out so fast no one would ever know what had happened.

AP: I’ve been an active donor for about 13, maybe 14 years. Has it been threatening in those relationships? No. Nearly every vamp I’ve been partnered with is, or was, a member of my House, and therefore background checked, etc. Add in “protective big brother syndrome”, and you know I was doubly safe.

The only times being a donor in the VC has been threatening has been when I said something some vampires didn’t like, or when I started the Haven’s website. I’ve gotten death threats, told I didn’t know my place, how dare I say such a thing, what have you. I take precautions, of course, but, in the most part, I ignore most of those kinds of comments. They don’t know my vampires or me, nor the situations that have lead me to certain beliefs.

C: I have been a donor for over 21 years. I have never had a “threatening situation” happen from a real vampire. I have however had a bad situation happen with a Role Player that thought he was a 200 year old immortal vampire that was going to drain me dry to feed himself.

I learned from that situation to never agree to meet someone in private the first few times we meet.


RVN: What do you see as being absolutely necessary precautions in any Swan/Donor situation?

SQ: Safety, safety, safety! Always keep your well-being in mind both mentally and physically. Don’t take crazy risks and make sure that both you and your vampire do your research and know what you are doing. Also make sure that you are both disease free and mentally stable. There is always talk amongst vampires on watching out for “crazy donors”- well, it goes both ways  people! There are unstable vampires and dangerous wanna-be vamps out there as well. Get to know the person/people you are going to be involved with- follow your gut instincts.

AP: Do some research first, people! A) Wanting Edward as your dream vampire isn’t going to happen. B) If sang donating, get your blood tested, and, if the vamp is putting mouth to open wound, take your vamp to the dentist to get checked out for things like periodontal disease. C) Do more research. D) Did I mention research? The more that you know about the vampire community, why vampires act in certain ways, how to not trigger your vamp to go into a “bloodgasm” or “twoof”, and what foods and drinks make for handy blood substitutes for you to keep in the house, the easier your life with your vampiric partner will be. Also, take a first aid course, and pay EXTRA attention to the wound care section! Learn what a wound looks like if you’ve cut too deep and need to be rushed to the ER, and when you can just clean it and slap on a band aid. E) If meeting a vampire in real life that you originally met online, take the basic steps for safety. Meet in a public place; bring a friend to sit at a neighbouring table to keep an eye on you. Get to know the vamp before going “Here, take my blood!” Basic common sense rules that everyone should know.

C: Get to know the vampire you intend to feed very well before you ever agree to a feeding. Always discuss all aspects of your situation before setting up that first feeding. Insist on both yourself and the vampire being tested for STD’s and other blood born illnesses.



RVN: Do you consider “donating” as an intimate exchange or simply a “transaction” between individuals?

SQ: For me it is definitely an intimate exchange. It is very personal and sweet between the two of us. I honestly couldn’t see myself being anyone else’s donor.

AP: Both. With my brother, it’s intimate because it strengthens our bond with each other. He’s the only vampiric sibling I’ve got (out of 6 siblings), and we’re closer to each other than we are to any of our other brothers and sisters. With my primary vamp it’s also intimate, because she’s a dear friend of mine.

On the other hand, my back burner vamps, who are also friends, it’s just a transaction. I am neither their normal donor, nor their back up. They are my back up vamps for when donating to my primary vamp just doesn’t cut it for me. A vampire can only take in so much, and if I’m full to bursting, and she’s topped off, I need another place to stick it.

C: For me donating is an intimate but not sexual exchange. It can be sexual if both parties wish for it to be, but it is not in itself sexual. I can and have donated to those that do not wish it to be more than a “transaction” but it is not how I prefer to do it.



RVN: Do you think that, or have you seen evidence of, Swans/Donors in long term “relationships” with vampires can begin to display vampiric characteristics themselves?

SQ: No. I feel that if the donor starts to display vampiric characteristics they may want to seek counselling on some level. The only way that I see this happening legitimately is if perhaps the donor is actually an unawakened vampire.

AP: I’ve heard of it happening. Sometimes it’s just for a few days, and other times, I’ve heard, it triggered a latent vampire to go through their awakening. Personally, the only “symptoms” I’ve had are from when a vampire over-feeds. Protein cravings that would make a pregnant woman cringe (Big Mac with a side of General Tso’s chicken, please!), headaches/migraines, symptoms of being dehydrated. All, for me, went away typically between 6-48 hours after the onset.

C: That is a loaded question.

I have seen donors that were donating more than they should donate, show vampiric tendencies for a short time. Sometimes they would act much like a new Psi vampire until their energy system recovered. But I have never seen a donor “become” a vampire because of a long term “relationship”

I could maybe see a Sang donor craving blood if they allow their iron to drop to a point that their body starts to seek it out in odd ways.



RVN: What advice would you offer to anyone considering becoming a Swan/Donor?

SQ: Take your time- don’t rush the process. Do a lot of research on what’s involved in becoming a responsible donor and then do some more. You can never have enough knowledge on this subject. . Two excellent starting points are and www. Do a lot of soul searching and examine your motives in wanting to become a donor- it’s not a game. Always keep your safety and mental well-being in mind. Become friends with other legitimate donors and ask questions as well. Being a donor is such a rewarding experience when shared with the right person and so worth it.

AP: Do some research, and then look deep inside yourself. Can you really do this? There’s nothing in the world like being a donor, and it can put a stress into your life that you might not expect. Donating, especially sanguine, is seen outwardly oftentimes as an intimate or sexual act. Is your partner (gf/bf/spouse) okay with this? If not, are you comfortable hiding it from him/her?

But, above all else, be SAFE. You can run down the street in your birthday suit, hang from the rafters, sing Lady Gaga songs in public, I don’t care. Just be safe. That’s all I ask.

C: Learn all you can about what a donor actually is and what a real vampire actually is. Understand your own limits and what you truly want to get out of being a donor. The last person you should ever lie to about your motives is yourself. If you are simply looking for the thrill of being a “vampire’s donor” then admit that to yourself. Then seek out a vampire looking for the same things you are seeking. It only leads to trouble if you try to be something you are not just to donate. And number one piece of advice I would give… Never let being a donor take over your life or become your entire identity. Be a solid person outside the community and let being a donor simply become a part of the overall person you are.



RVN: In summary, have you anything else you would like to add?

SQ: I would love to be a vital part of getting the word out for both experienced and prospective donors- I feel there is a strong need for more active support out there for us in the VC/OVC.

With regards to the comments made by VC/OVC member Ryu (Donor, Not a döner. On WordPress, Aug. 6th, 2012). Just like anyone else Ryu has the right to his own opinion. However, I have a right to mine as well. Seeing what he posted literally made me sick to my stomach. It is very demeaning to donors as we are all human just like all vampires are human. I have seen a lot of conversations on Facebook and other sites where vamps discuss on how fellow vamps have to be careful because many donors and potential donors are “crazy”- well, it goes both ways and his beliefs prove it. Then many vampires wonder why they have trouble finding “chew toys” or “cattle” for their needs.

As far as donors having a voice in most “vampiric” matters I personally don’t feel the need to have one but when it involves the safety of donors and donors in general you sure as hell bet that I do. I also believe that I have the right to voice my opinion on certain subjects that are brought up within the OVC. However, I have no desire to be a member of any House- it wouldn’t do anything for me and I don’t lose any sleep at night over not being in one either. It is what it is and I have no issue with that.  What my main concern over this whole debaucle was the blatant disrespect for donors. I do not think that I am better than anyone else nor do I expect anyone to hold me in high regard because of what I am. All that I ask for is common courtesy and the chance to be heard on occasion.  Treat me with courtesy and basic respect and I will show you the same but if you treat me like you are better than I am or come off with an unjustified attitude then I will return your attitude in kind regardless of your status.

As far as those (you know who you are) who think that you are “holier than thou” because you are “vampire” you honestly amuse me to no end.  Just keep on playing your elitist card and your little role-play type attitudes and see where you eventually end up because the only ones that I feel sorry for are the ones that fall for your ego. I stand firmly in feeling this way and I will make no apologies for it.

Unfortunately there will always be those in any community that give the good members a bad name. Fortunately in my years of being a small part of this particular community I know many that are quite the opposite, many of whom I am blessed to call my friends.

AP: I love being a donor. Even if I weren’t “wired” to need to donate, I would probably still have ended up being a donor in some way, shape, or form. I’ve met some wonderful people because of it; have an awesome relationship with my big brother thanks to it, and more.

C: I take being a donor very seriously. I know that as a vampire’s donor, I am in a position of trust. They trust me to keep their secrets, to provide them with something they need, and to remain clean and healthy so I can continue to donate.

I feel that we, as donors, need to be a more active part of the general vampire community. The better informed we are about the issues affecting the vampires we support, the more efficient we can be as donors. We need to keep on top of the issues that may affect all of us, and by being active and visible in the community we put ourselves in a position to stay informed. My personal opinion is that well informed donors become long term safe, sane and sound donors. So many issues can be avoided if the person considering being a donor has someone visible to go to too ask questions and seek advice about things.



RVN: Thank you very much for sharing your insights, opinions and valuable time with us this evening.

SQ: Thank you, it’s been a pleasure.

AP: I’m happy to have been here. Thank you for inviting me.

C: Thank you for asking me to participate.


They are the vampire’s friends, lovers, mates and spouses, a truly special sort of people who provide the vampire with the means of keeping well. The truth of this relationship runs deeper than just convenience, the truth of the matter is that without the ‘Swans’ or Donors, vampires everywhere would be in a pretty poor and pitiful way.

The donors deserve the deepest respect and a special regard for what they willingly give to others.


© RVN, Swan Queen, Acrophobic Pixie, Cheri 2012


The views and opinions presented in this article are the opinions of the author and/or contributors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of The Owner/s of RVN, their officers, assigns or agents. RVN and its officers do not personally, individually, or jointly necessarily recommend or condone any of the activities or practices represented, and accept no liability, nor responsibility, for the use or misuse thereof. Anything that the reader takes from this article is taken at their own discretion.

For further details please see our Website Disclaimer

A clarified and calmer donor’s point of view on yesterday’s post

Okay, so last night’s post was ranty. I appologize for that. It was late (for me), and it pushed buttons, and I broke a cardinal rule of the internet. Don’t post when emotional.

So, to clarify a few things from yesterday’s postage:

A) No, I do not really want to stab Ryu. Sheesh. “Wants to go stabby” is a turn of phrase meaning one is extremely angry. I’m anti-violence and anti-weaponry.

B) No, this is not a personal attack on Ryu after years of us arguing. He claims to not know who I am, and I’ve only been in conversations with him rarely, the most recent, I believe, was a few years ago. Ryu’s name is in the title because he was the instigator on at least three occasions where such talk/conversation happened.

C) My chief complaint was that out of all the people in that transcript, only one person, in my opinion, spoke against what Ryu and the others said. And that’s sad.

The thing that those who posted negatively on my blog and on facebook where I linked the blog don’t understand is that what you’re saying isn’t something I haven’t heard before. It’s just been awhile since someone actually talked like that to me in public. What you say does not shock me, it just makes me pity you. With how much the VC has grown in the past few years alone, I was hoping that such talk would end, and people would wake up to the fact that we’re all in this community together, vampire, donor, and non-vamp.

Here’s the deal. I’ve been involved with the vampire community for nearly two thirds of my life, on the verge of twenty years. My older brother is a vampire, I went to school with vampires, a few of my closest friends are vampires, you get the drift. Hell, when I was in high school, due to my weird assed energy signature, I was mistaken for a form of psi vamp. I’m not one, but still. I’ve seen and been involved in parts of a vampire’s life that even the vampire in question doesn’t fully understand. My role, as I see it, is for me to be there as a support for the vampires in my life, and, the vampire community in general. Which includes donors and other non vampires who are active in the community.

As a “Community Leader”, it is my job to try to make my little corner of the community open and welcoming to all members of the community. Not just those who I want in. Everyone. Else, why would I or the other admins of the Black Swan Haven allow vampires to join the forum, modify the color scheme of the website so it’s as friendly as we can get (while still looking attractive) for vampire eyes, etc? I do my damnedest to try to be polite to everyone, but, alas, I’m only human, so I’m bound to blow a gasket now and then.

Like I said before, this cat dirt that I’m seeing directed towards me isn’t anything new, and honestly, I think that a large portion of the community either doesn’t realize how often it happens, that it happens at all, or if they do see it, just brush it under the carpet as “Oh, it must just be one of the occasional nutjobs that makes it’s way into the community. It’ll go away soon if we ignore it. Don’t feed the trolls, you know.” When we started the BSH, do any of you realize just HOW MUCH hate mail I recieved in our inbox that said things along the lines of:

“Who do you think you are, starting a vampire website/forum, but not allowing vampires to be moderators/administrators.”

“How dare you think that you’re better than vampires. You’re our food. We eat you. You have no right to a voice in the community.”

“Shut this down now, or we’ll attack your server/website.”

Take a look at the comments on my last post, or where I posted the link in facebook’s vampire groups. I am happy that quite a few people agreed with me, and spoke out against such talk/treatment of donors. But the rest of the comments. Typical. And no, I’m not editing any of their comments, I’m just clicking the “Approve” button.

The thing that these vampires (who I severely hope are in the minority) don’t realize, is that vampire politics DOES affect the donors and non vamps in the community. Yes, it’s not always directly, but even if it doesn’t, it very well could hit us indirectly through the vampires in our lives. It might not seem important to you, but it is to me. For example, I was a donor as a teenager. Now, if you go to nearly any VC website/forum, they will tell you that you cannot be a donor until you’re 18. Makes sense, due to legal issues, such as statutory rape, since many view vampiric feeding as a sexual act, or as assault, and when you’re a minor, you have no right to consent to it under the law. Nearly two decades ago, that wasn’t seen often. Donors were rare, as they are now, hence the term Black Swan used for us. So people turned a blind eye towards underaged donors and vamps engaging in feedings, and there weren’t so many lists of blood substitutes and tricks to deal with the cravings as you see today.

Let me phrase this another way. Back in the day (1950’s and prior), women stayed at home, took care of the household and the children, while the men went to work. You’ll see it in books and radio/tv shows from that time. “Honey, you do your womanly duties, and let the man do the thinking around here.” That would be deemed sexist nowadays, and unappropriate for society. Now, replace woman with donor/non vamp, and swap out man for vampire.

“Honey, you do your donorly duties, and let the vampire do the thinking around here.” Tell me how that is any less offensive than the original sentence? And not using the “But Vampires are superior to donors” line of bull pucky.

Couldn’t come up with a reason, could you? Didn’t think so.

Donors like me have to put up with such nonsense on a regular basis. Now, I admit, my brother teases me that I’m the “perfect prey” for a psi vamp, and a “walking, talking smorgesboard”, but he teases me in a good naturely manner. And I admit it. I’m as close to the opposite, and therefore, “perfect prey” for psi vamps. Psi vamps don’t make enough energy, and need an outside source to get it. I make/gather too much energy in me, and need an outside source to shove it into. Purely symbiotic in nature for me. Other donors do it because they have a person they care about that is a vampire of some sort, and they want to be more than just a shoulder to lean on in times of need. So, where in that relationship does it show that either donors or vampires are superior to the other? No where. It’s a symbiotic relationship, and I’m proof of it. My big brother is a vampire, so I was born to balance him out. Simples.

Recently, the VVC put out a community questionaire, asking what the biggest problem with the VC was, and how should it be fixed, which can be found at The number one response?

Grandiosity/Narcissism. And quite a few of the complaints were about people who claim to be vampiric and, essentially, the biggest badass in the food chain. And yet, when I call someone on their grandiosity and narcissism, what happens? “How dare you step out of place and address your superiors thusly. Shame on you.”

Mhmm. Whatever. It’s talk like this that drives people away from our community, makes it hard for new donors and young vamps to feel welcome in the community, adds to the stressors that we, as a whole, go through when establishing trust in a new donor/vamp relationship, etc.

The good news that came out of my rantitude yesterday? The people who’s reactions were “Holy shit.” “This makes me sick.” and the like. Also my friends and family standing behind me, giving me hugs for stepping up and saying something rather than ignoring it, or staying quiet in my little corner. It’s people like this that gives me hope that OUR vampire community is strong, welcoming, and helpful to those who stumble across us on their life-path. I just hope it’s enough to drown out the nay-sayers.

Ryu, & Why Pixie Wants to go *STABBY*!

[Begin Clarifying Edit]

Okay, so last night’s post was ranty. I appologize for that. It was late (for me), and it pushed buttons, and I broke a cardinal rule of the internet. Don’t post when emotional.

So, to clarify a few things from yesterday’s postage:

A) No, I do not really want to stab Ryu. Sheesh. “Wants to go stabby” is a turn of phrase meaning one is extremely angry. I’m anti-violence and anti-weaponry.

B) No, this is not a personal attack on Ryu after years of us arguing. He claims to not know who I am, and I’ve only been in conversations with him rarely, the most recent, I believe, was a few years ago. Ryu’s name is in the title because he was the instigator on at least three occasions where such talk/conversation happened.

C) My chief complaint was that out of all the people in that transcript, only one person, in my opinion, spoke against what Ryu and the others said. And that’s sad.

The thing that those who posted negatively on my blog and on facebook where I linked the blog don’t understand is that what you’re saying isn’t something I haven’t heard before. It’s just been awhile since someone actually talked like that to me in public. What you say does not shock me, it just makes me pity you. With how much the VC has grown in the past few years alone, I was hoping that such talk would end, and people would wake up to the fact that we’re all in this community together, vampire, donor, and non-vamp.

Here’s the deal. I’ve been involved with the vampire community for nearly two thirds of my life, on the verge of twenty years. My older brother is a vampire, I went to school with vampires, a few of my closest friends are vampires, you get the drift. Hell, when I was in high school, due to my weird assed energy signature, I was mistaken for a form of psi vamp. I’m not one, but still. I’ve seen and been involved in parts of a vampire’s life that even the vampire in question doesn’t fully understand. My role, as I see it, is for me to be there as a support for the vampires in my life, and, the vampire community in general. Which includes donors and other non vampires who are active in the community.

As a “Community Leader”, it is my job to try to make my little corner of the community open and welcoming to all members of the community. Not just those who I want in. Everyone. Else, why would I or the other admins of the Black Swan Haven allow vampires to join the forum, modify the color scheme of the website so it’s as friendly as we can get (while still looking attractive) for vampire eyes, etc? I do my damnedest to try to be polite to everyone, but, alas, I’m only human, so I’m bound to blow a gasket now and then.

Like I said before, this cat dirt that I’m seeing directed towards me isn’t anything new, and honestly, I think that a large portion of the community either doesn’t realize how often it happens, that it happens at all, or if they do see it, just brush it under the carpet as “Oh, it must just be one of the occasional nutjobs that makes it’s way into the community. It’ll go away soon if we ignore it. Don’t feed the trolls, you know.” When we started the BSH, do any of you realize just HOW MUCH hate mail I recieved in our inbox that said things along the lines of:

“Who do you think you are, starting a vampire website/forum, but not allowing vampires to be moderators/administrators.”

“How dare you think that you’re better than vampires. You’re our food. We eat you. You have no right to a voice in the community.”

“Shut this down now, or we’ll attack your server/website.”

Take a look at the comments on my last post, or where I posted the link in facebook’s vampire groups. I am happy that quite a few people agreed with me, and spoke out against such talk/treatment of donors. But the rest of the comments. Typical. And no, I’m not editing any of their comments, I’m just clicking the “Approve” button.

The thing that these vampires (who I severely hope are in the minority) don’t realize, is that vampire politics DOES affect the donors and non vamps in the community. Yes, it’s not always directly, but even if it doesn’t, it very well could hit us indirectly through the vampires in our lives. It might not seem important to you, but it is to me. For example, I was a donor as a teenager. Now, if you go to nearly any VC website/forum, they will tell you that you cannot be a donor until you’re 18. Makes sense, due to legal issues, such as statutory rape, since many view vampiric feeding as a sexual act, or as assault, and when you’re a minor, you have no right to consent to it under the law. Nearly two decades ago, that wasn’t seen often. Donors were rare, as they are now, hence the term Black Swan used for us. So people turned a blind eye towards underaged donors and vamps engaging in feedings, and there weren’t so many lists of blood substitutes and tricks to deal with the cravings as you see today.

Let me phrase this another way. Back in the day (1950’s and prior), women stayed at home, took care of the household and the children, while the men went to work. You’ll see it in books and radio/tv shows from that time. “Honey, you do your womanly duties, and let the man do the thinking around here.” That would be deemed sexist nowadays, and unappropriate for society. Now, replace woman with donor/non vamp, and swap out man for vampire.

“Honey, you do your donorly duties, and let the vampire do the thinking around here.” Tell me how that is any less offensive than the original sentence? And not using the “But Vampires are superior to donors” line of bull pucky.

Couldn’t come up with a reason, could you? Didn’t think so.

Donors like me have to put up with such nonsense on a regular basis. Now, I admit, my brother teases me that I’m the “perfect prey” for a psi vamp, and a “walking, talking smorgesboard”, but he teases me in a good naturely manner. And I admit it. I’m as close to the opposite, and therefore, “perfect prey” for psi vamps. Psi vamps don’t make enough energy, and need an outside source to get it. I make/gather too much energy in me, and need an outside source to shove it into. Purely symbiotic in nature for me. Other donors do it because they have a person they care about that is a vampire of some sort, and they want to be more than just a shoulder to lean on in times of need. So, where in that relationship does it show that either donors or vampires are superior to the other? No where. It’s a symbiotic relationship, and I’m proof of it. My big brother is a vampire, so I was born to balance him out. Simples.

Recently, the VVC put out a community questionaire, asking what the biggest problem with the VC was, and how should it be fixed, which can be found at The number one response?

Grandiosity/Narcissism. And quite a few of the complaints were about people who claim to be vampiric and, essentially, the biggest badass in the food chain. And yet, when I call someone on their grandiosity and narcissism, what happens? “How dare you step out of place and address your superiors thusly. Shame on you.”
Mhmm. Whatever. It’s talk like this that drives people away from our community, makes it hard for new donors and young vamps to feel welcome in the community, adds to the stressors that we, as a whole, go through when establishing trust in a new donor/vamp relationship, etc.
The good news that came out of my rantitude yesterday? The people who’s reactions were “Holy shit.” “This makes me sick.” and the like. Also my friends and family standing behind me, giving me hugs for stepping up and saying something rather than ignoring it, or staying quiet in my little corner. It’s people like this that gives me hope that OUR vampire community is strong, welcoming, and helpful to those who stumble across us on their life-path. I just hope it’s enough to drown out the nay-sayers.
I just got this little facebook transcript in my BSH mail. Apparently a donor was in this group or something, and she was, to put it plainly, shocked and highly upset. She wishes to remain annonymous, but holy shit fuck, people. I’ll c&p what she sent in, then comment at the bottom.
*WARNING* Trigger Alert. *WARNING*
Donors,Swans, Blood Bags, Blood Dolls, Snack Packs, Chew Toys what ever you call them. The simple fact of the matter is that they are food to us, yes they are to be respected but the bottom line is that they are food. The thing that pisses me off about this subject is that they feel that they have the right to sit at a Vampyric table and have a say in Vampyric matters, Why? they are not Vampyric and can NEVER understand our plite. We do not have cattle sitting at the desk next to us at work making dissition on our matters, or better yet any matters, because they are cattle and would not nor could they ever understand what our needs are because they are not us. A house member of mine put it in a simple way, a white man whos only friends are black. they are in a group speaking on black problems in the world today. The white man says I feel you that shit is wrong, and I understand. The Black men look and say we respect your view, but how can you understand something you have never been through because you are not black? You Cant because of that fact! As in all walks of life we all have our place in it, and a donors is not at a Vampyric table unless they are on it……… Now as to those whom say what would we do if our donors just said no we are no longer going to feed you….well as in all things of life we will find a way, know that there where not always donors and yet we are still here, we will always survive. I remeber how i use to feed, and well lets just say I am thankful for Father Vincent and my brothers and sisters for teaching me a better way, back in the day. for my self my donor, swan CHEW TOY know what it is they are to me, in our deal part of their oath to me is” I belong to you heart, mind, body and soul and that NO ONE may never touch what belongs to me…………… They know this going in, it is none of any one else buiness what is between my CHEW TOY and I. It is NO ONES BUINESS what ANY Vampi/yre and their donor do what deals they have made or anything. You want to know donor rights? YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY NO TO FEEDING ONE OF MY BROTHERS OR SISTERS, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO FORM YOUR OWN LITTLE SUPPORT GROUPS. But you DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY WHAT GOSE ON IN A VAMPI/YRE DONOR REALATIONSHIP OR THE VAMPYRIC COMMUNITY!
The Vampyre/Vampire community
This is a group where we Vampyres/Vampires can sit and speak about our community. your views will be respected. This is a Vampyre/Vampire group only. please respect each others view. the old ways are upheld here. honor, pride, respect and diginty.
(Redacted for their privacy)
Ryu Reborn first subject…… let me say this, and with all due respect, one this is not a house issue, it is a community issue, as far as it not being on topic? how is that. I am a Vampyre and I feel that the rights of the Vampyric community to stay only vampyric are being ignored. as far as unfavorable light, why because donors dont have a say and they want one? THEY ARE NOT VAMPYRIC! they are DONORS! so please tell me how does this not have to do with our rights?One of the reasons the community has fallen as far as it has is because of ALL the non Vamps coming in making a mess. I dont give a shit if our food thinks its un fair for them not to have a say in OUR matters. so brothers and sisters tell me how am I wrong for standing up FOR OUR COMMUNITY? A community I have been apart of for 20 plus years, a community I have spilled blood for, a community I helped build, I help protect, I have lost friends to, a community I live and die for. tell me Brothers and sisters when has our foods wishes become more important then what is right for our community the right for Vampyric matters to stay Vampyric? Tell me if our foods wants are more then what is best for the community I can leave a group that is for VAMPIRE RIGHTS and call it what it is….a donors rights group. because as a Vampyre I have the right to say they have no place in Vampyric politics. why? because they are NOT VAMPYRIC! Like · · Unfollow Post · August 1 at 10:24pm near Suffolk, VA
Seen by 59
Gigi Frost, Corvis Nocturnum, Jill Vampyyri McCarty-Kirk, Dharkling Noctem Aeternus, Athyriel Luciana Nocturna, Adaora Osimiri-Lewis, James Mallory and Angelo Melendez like this.
>Athyriel Luciana Nocturna like i said before, they need to realize their place. i respect them for giving us something we need, but if food is gonna whine, i know i wont want it. >August 1 at 10:32pm · Like · 4
>Dharkling Noctem Aeternus I am all for treating donor/food with the respect they deserve. However, I honestly believe if they were told correctly from the very beginning that they are donors/food and that they are welcome to have their own group to share their own thoughts as donors, they are welcome to do so! As far as Vampyric business, non Vampyres have NO place whatsoever in our own political/business matters. You are completely right Ryu! >August 1 at 10:35pm · Like · 6
>James Mallory They’re called “DONORS” for a reason. If they wanna supply us fine, but know where to draw the line & stay there! You’re not in the wrong for speaking out for us brotha. >August 1 at 10:36pm via mobile · Like · 2
>James Mallory Right Dharkling! Keep it STRICTLY business! >August 1 at 10:41pm via mobile · Like · 1
>James Mallory Granted we come from different houses, bloodlines, havens ect; but we are all kin here. We have to stick together! >August 1 at 10:43pm via mobile · Like · 3
>Athyriel Luciana Nocturna agreed james . ^_^ >August 1 at 10:43pm · Like · 1
>David M Criophix I’m indifferent to donors but I’ve always wondered as I sat twirling in my chair their interest in being apart of vampire houses and wanting to serve on vampire councils. I can’t say I would fight for or against them joining a vampire group but what is accomplished by it? I sometimes blink and muddle on at some these going ons lol >August 1 at 11:07pm via mobile · Like · 1
>Ryu Reborn agreed, i too wish to know why they wish to sit on our council, but it matters not to me because they are not Vampyre/Vampire so why should it matter? >August 1 at 11:10pm · Like · 1
>Dharkling Noctem Aeternus Perhaps it is because they want to be a bigger part of Us as Vampyres. I think that sometimes there are those who truly want to be Vampyric, but can’t be for whatever reason and they become donors in the hopes that it will bring them closer! Just a thought. >August 1 at 11:13pm · Like · 1
>Ryu Reborn could be sis, and I respect that, but that longing doesn’t make them Vampyric. >August 1 at 11:14pm · Like · 2
>James Mallory Could be they want what we want. Power, control, want, the very thing that makes us…. Mundane. >August 1 at 11:15pm via mobile · Like · 1
>Ryu Reborn I only want our community to be safe, strong and one with honor. >August 1 at 11:16pm · Like · 2
>James Mallory One word comes to mind. “Familiar” >August 1 at 11:19pm via mobile · Like · 1
>Dharkling Noctem Aeternus The word that comes to my mind would be “desperation” on some donors part! It doesn’t make it right for them to be part of our business, but it does explain the mundane nature of their demands. >August 1 at 11:23pm · Like · 2
>Jessica Pedrick Donors have rights, and I feel they should be respected: the right to be fed from safely, to be asked beforehand… and if they don’t like it, the right to LEAVE. Howver they do not have the right to smash these facts into our faces. >August 1 at 11:39pm · Like · 2
>James Mallory Exactly Jessica! >August 1 at 11:45pm via mobile · Like · 1
>David M Criophix Yeah. I do sense some of them would love being vampiric without understand what that ment. >August 1 at 11:48pm via mobile · Like · 2
>James Mallory I’m not saying that we should be fully segregated from donors or anything of that matter. It’s just that it’s a time & place for everything is all. >August 1 at 11:48pm via mobile · Like · 1
>James Mallory Basically they want in for all the wrong reasons. >August 1 at 11:52pm via mobile · Like · 1
>Ryu Reborn well said >August 1 at 11:53pm · Like · 1
>Misha Valkyrie I believe donors want to be part of the house and having a voice and say in what goes on is because it is Human nature. If you look throughout history whenever the human species is no longer the superior being they try to in someway weave there way into the top. Some get into the top so that they can change it into there own manner of thinking and thus they are now again the higher ups while others simpley want to be amoung the higher ups and respected and feared as such. They fail to see that well ultimatly it isnt about them, and while the Vampyric/ire community is an arrogant one by nature let us think back to how long we have lived in the shadows. Now in regards to these donors/swans/happy meals no, form your own groups, talk amongst one another, become brothers and sisters if youd like but do not stick your noses in buisness that you cannot and will not understand. It dosnt matter how long you have been around us it dosnt mean anything. For example we all have parents and we all say we understand this and that of what our parents nag and there responce is usually the same,’you wont understand until you go threw it.’ and than when we do we are like ‘oh shit they were right its not like i thought at all’ its the same thing. You CHOSE to be a donor kudos for you, you shall be respected and taken care of as such. Anything that would concern the relationship between a donor and Vampyre will be discussed with you and your opinion herd. But house/coven/council/community exc. buisness is personal. >*para pa pa pa im lovin it * lol got to lighten things up a bit every now and again guys ^.^ oh btw sorry for the misspellings im horrible at it >August 2 at 1:09am · Like · 2
>James Mallory Do we get a toy for our happy meal? Jk! >August 2 at 1:12am via mobile · Like
>Misha Valkyrie lol well i guess the meal is the toy i mean Ryu calls them ‘chew toys’ >August 2 at 1:15am · Like · 2
>James Mallory We all play with our “chew toys” at some point 😉 >August 2 at 1:22am via mobile · Like · 1
>Riss Kokaine Booth I will treat my food kindly and with respect. But my food always stays on the table. I think that as a vampire we cannot lose ourselves in the enjoyment of feeding.and get lost in the person. we have the responsibility as.vampires do when the food stats acting as if its equal to our kin and issues then.the vampire should be held accountable. Just my feelings on the topic. >August 2 at 1:51am via mobile · Like · 4
>James Mallory True. ^^ >August 2 at 1:57am via mobile · Like
>Anibal Ramirez The funny thing is, as donors they want to be equals with those they are not. Not beong of the blood has its own merits and benefits as well. Sadly this point is often missed. >August 2 at 4:06am via mobile · Like · 4
>[Name Redacted By Request] I have my reservations on the matter but for reference, there are some that actual gave rights to donor and have even written a document about it. This was written by Belfazaar Ashantison.
>The Donors Bill Of Rights
>This Bill of Rights is to promote the continued safety of the most precious of gifts to us, their life essence. It is suggested that this be signed by both the vampire and the donor on a 30/60/90 day trial basis. After this, the contract can be resigned for an extended period of time which can be either the 30/60/90/ or 6 months to 1 year. At the end of these contracts, discussions can be made as to whether or not changes should be done. What will be allowed and what will not be allowed.
>1) As a donor, I know that it is through my personal sacrifice that the vampires needs are met. It is my loving nature that allows this relationship to continue. It is my right to decline to feed the vampire for any reason.
>2) As a donor to a vampiric being, it is my right to know that I am in a vampiric/donor relationship that will be mutually beneficial to both me and the vampire I am donating my life essence to.
>3) I am the essence provider. It is for me to decide whether or not I am able to give of my essence to the vampire I am with. I must be allotted time to heal and regain my essence in order to better support my vampiric partner.
>4) At no time should my wounds not be allowed to heal.
>5) At no time should I feel stressed about giving of my essence, if at any time I feel stressed, I have the right to back away from the feed, without being or feeling threatened by my vampiric partner.
>6) Should I feel threatened in any way, shape or form, I have the right to seek guidance and council from other donors and leaders of the vampire community.
>7) As a donor to a vampiric individual, I have the right to know that my position as lover, friend, family, roommate should not be jeopardized by my not wanting to give of my essence. In the slang, “it should not cost me my ass to be a donor.”
>8) As a donor, I should also respect the needs of the vampire and try to learn more about his/her feeding habits in order to help stabilize his/her imbalances in energy.
>9) As a donor in a vampire/donor relationship, I realize that though I have many necessary rights, I must also take cares not to abuse the person I am donating my essence to. These same rights afforded me in this Bill of Rights should also be extended to the vampire I am donating too.
>10) Ultimately it is my right to know that I will be safe in all aspects of the vampiric/donor relationship and should I ever feel that my safety is jeopardized, I have the right to walk away clear and free.
>Ultimately, it is our (both the donor and the vampire) responsibility to insure that we are not abused. It is our (both the donor and the vampire) personal responsibility to leave a vampire/donor relationship that we feel is abusive in any nature. We can not be abused unless we allow ourselves to be. >August 2 at 12:51pm · Like · 2
>Ryu Reborn Blue, my house honors the new document, but that does not give them the right to have a say in Vampyric matters, only the rights given to them by said document nothing more, not only that those rights are for the donor and Vampiyre/Vampire not a group of blood bags to have a say in our affairs. what is between a donor and vamp is discussed between them and agreed upon. This is their business and no one else. >August 2 at 1:01pm · Edited · Like · 2
>[Name Redacted] Well, this was for reference only. I don’t personally follow this document but felt it was good to have out there. My rule of thumb on all non-vampiric is this: the kindred politics are for kindred. it’s just that simple. >August 2 at 1:06pm · Like · 5
>Andy Berry ?[Name Redacted]: i hate politics period but thats a good rule to go by >August 2 at 1:33pm · Like
>Ryu Reborn well said [Name Redacted] >August 2 at 3:05pm · Like
>Nikki Harris Everyone and everything has a place, donors need to know there place, plain and simple >August 2 at 3:07pm · Like
>Victorya Upyra Well, I think that is as easy as a House and its members to decide whether or not to include any other than Vampyric. >August 2 at 3:46pm · Like
>Ryu Reborn true, but when it comes to the Vampyric community why can we not just stay Vampyric, why do we have to accept those whom are not of the blood, I mean it is called the Vampire/Vampyre Community for a reason. >August 2 at 4:14pm · Like · 1
>Victorya Upyra Ryu, I do not think that we Vampyres have to accept any that we do not want to be part of our chosen group/House/Community. That is the thing, we don’t have to accept any so called codes, moralities, individuals. It would go well for Vampyres, to find like minded Vampyres, and form their own OVC’s. And disregard current nonsense. >August 2 at 4:20pm · Like · 4
>Damian Nightwalker technically not anyone’s right to subjugate anyone , or we going to put chains back on the black people etc …it is like a ds thing, you choose to submit to someone not a right or have it coming, also again this does not forward the course or rights or equality with people who do not view us as stable but in fact think being a vampire would make you less of a parent etc .but we cleared this misscomunication on the phone >D, , >August 2 at 4:21pm · Like
>Deacon Gray I listen to any advice I can get, I just pay more attention to those with the most expirence. Many of our issues are issues other groups have faced before, so even non vampiric they can offer words that could be of service. >August 2 at 6:02pm · Like
>Damian Nightwalker the only a person non vampiric sits in anything like a council is to rep the other donors of a large house, but they do not need to be privy of all things vampiric, and since it is not any of their business don’t really have to be involved seat or not. when you know it is not their business simply don’t make it their business . easy. >D,, >August 2 at 6:27pm · Like
>Andy Berry undefinedDamian Nightwalker: i know us military types call that the need to know basis >August 2 at 6:29pm · Like · 3
>Damian Nightwalker the rest of it is follow your orders, few people in the community know that it “lead follow or get the fuck out of the way.” they make things their concerns to cover their asses , id rather not be a pawn, but i am no ones knight either >D, , >August 2 at 6:31pm · Like
>Deacon Gray ?*chuckles* Ryu my friend, you are one of the only people I know who can make a lulliby sound like a threat to people who don’t know you. I don’t get too worked up, I mean all he is really saying is let vamps deal with vamp stuff. I let Otherkin deal with their stuff with out being offended…not being on a otherkin council or board doesn’t mean I am being discriminated against…it means I haev no stake in the topic >August 2 at 6:42pm · Like · 3
>Jessica Pedrick Donors should perhaps have a subset– just outside the House circle. Donors (sang) in this realm MUST be presented to Elders, approved, and have signature-documentation that they are House approved. If they fuck up after that, the family and surrounding Houses need to be notified. A bit more lenient on psi/psy Donors due to the feeding nature. perhaps. thoughts? >August 2 at 11:54pm · Like · 3
>Ryu Reborn I like that >Friday at 12:26am via mobile · Like
>Riss Kokaine Booth I love the idea Jess. I think that a crystal swan should be held at the same level as any other. There’s still a deep connection being created and should still be held as that. It can damage both parties as well as build. >Friday at 12:31am via mobile · Like · 1
>Miyuki W. Co that might not be a bad idea. sounds interesting. hpe everything works out okay. >Friday at 12:36am · Edited · Like
>Miyuki W. Co ?*hope >Friday at 12:36am · Like
>Jessica Pedrick With Ryu’s blessing, I’ll write something up in more detail. >Friday at 12:46am · Like · 1
>Damian Nightwalker im working on somthing big but it is slow going >D, , >Friday at 1:23am · Like
>Riss Kokaine Booth Anything that takes time Damian is worth doing. if I may ask what are you working on? >Friday at 1:25am via mobile · Like
>Damian Nightwalker well thats a rather loaded question as i give most of my free time and even time while im doing other work, ewrc. and always on something , but this is a donor vampire thing, a registy >D, , >Friday at 1:29am · Like
>Darci Huddleston Idk if I posted this here or in another thread, anyways…I’ve always considered donor/vampire relations to be a private thing. If something comes up that affects donors, then yes they should have a say in what’s going on. They are people with their own thoughts and feelings so they should be considered as well…in private. Idk why they would even want to be involved in Vampire politics/ drama anyways. >Friday at 10:25am · Like
>Deacon Gray There is not levels between Donors and Vampires, just differences. Please don’t make the mistake in thinking a donor out there somewhere isn’t smarter, stronger, a better energy user, a better user of craft, more faithful…or whatever you want to call it. >I am not saying you have to accept them into your organizations, but insulting them isn’t helpful. >Respect and Honor are both important attributes in the community, and to those outside it. If we have a higher level, it should be in not getting into the frey with people who could sustain us, and help us. >Friday at 12:43pm · Like · 1
>Ryu Reborn Deacon, I respect your view and to some point agree with you, but they are food and need to remember their place and that place is not at our side to have a say in our community. >Friday at 4:07pm · Like · 1
>Victorya Upyra First of all I am glad for this group which upholds to civil and diverse opinions. I would share this once my own on the topic of Donors/Swans, Yes, I agree that if it is a consensus, a Community may chose to include or not include donors, within any dynamic within such Community. Yet, I also believe that a Donor/Swan could in accordance to a given relationship; be our one night bliss; our partner, end even a Soul Mate or life partner, shall a Vampyre be so fortunate. In other cases, a casual or even cherished friend. I am grateful to the highest degree to all Donors who feel regard, and at times love and compassion, for the needs of Vampyres. I do not want to categorize all Donors. I speak of those who are united to us Vampyres and the VC, in their own unique, yet helpful way. >Friday at 4:46pm · Like
>Michael J. Forrester Following the standard formula of Sanguines, I see your point. The problem is that the whole Community is too varied. Maybe it’s time to accept the idea that the VC will always be cliques? >Friday at 8:21pm · Like
>Ryu Reborn True >Friday at 8:53pm via mobile · Like · 1
>Armitage Soulshroude Reminds me of Lodge (being a Freemason) all brothers who are not members of a specific Lodge and are only visiting, do NOT have voting rights when petitions come up for nomination or a committee team needs to be formed, where Lodge money goes, etc. ONLY active members that pay their dues to said Lodge are allowed to vote.
>I think Houses should follow the same rule. Donor’s should have no political or voting rights even if they are part of a House and have been a member of that House since it’s inception. They should only have privileges and voting rights when it is something that concerns them as donors. Nothing more.
>But… to each their own. >Saturday at 7:03am · Edited · Like · 3
>James Mallory I believe they’re called “Black Swans”. Those who support the vampyre lifestyle but do not wish to be vampyre. >Saturday at 7:17am via mobile · Like
>Armitage Soulshroude I think we need to reiterate that statement, James. One cannot, “wish” to be a vampi/yre. Either one is a vampi/yre or one is NOT. As well, who said anything about a, “lifestyle”? Some of us are vampi/yre because of our, “need to feed”. We don’t live the lifestyle, We are vampi/yre. Period. >Saturday at 7:24am · Edited · Like · 4
>James Mallory True, you’re right Armitage. >Saturday at 7:26am via mobile · Like
It gets BETTER! She took screen shots. (Click to see bigger, okay?)

I am seriously pissed. I understand why Miss Anonymous sent this to me. I don’t do much on facebook, and am not a member of this group, so no, I wouldn’t have seen it if I -were- active on fb. But dear fucking Lord and Lady. I am not a chew toy, happy meal, what have you, and my place is NOT on the gods damned table, to be seen/eaten and not heard. And if you actually agree with this shit, and I considered you to be a friend *glares*, don’t talk to me for a good long while. I might not agree with all of you on every little thing that comes across our “desks” here, but I DO respect each of you and your position that you hold in the community.
The thing that SERIOUSLY pisses me off? Seriously? The member list. The fact that I was told about this by a person I barely know and yet, I recognize quite a few of the names that I edited out for their privacy. Especially my supposed friends. I definately thought you all had my back and treated me with respect, but did any of you even HINT to me that this kind of shit was happening? If you really think that someone like me has no place in the VC, I’d prefer it if you said it flat out to my face. Y’all have my phone number.
Not so personal bit.
Is it just me, or is Ryu going further and further off the deepend? Donors aren’t the first thing he’s gone after, and I’m sorry, but they way he wrote is A) fractured and not really coherent in parts. Coming from me, that’s saying something. And B) I pity his poor donor, because the way he described it, it sounds like an unhealthy bdsm relationship. Hell, it sounds scarily like my abusive ex, and replace donor with girlfriend/fiancee, and you can see why I’m pissed and scared. I’m *this* close to giving into the panic attack.
So yeah, Ryu is on my shit list, and honestly? Way to make me feel like shit. Hope you’re proud.

“It’s Like The Baby Jesus!”

Before I start, a couple of brief announcements.

First off, there’s a “Vampire Community Accountability” survey at . Go check it out, fill it out, etc.

Secondly, I was interviewed by the Real Vampire News network thingiemabob. On my part, it was nice, though they didn’t edit my answers at all. That’s both good and bad. Good, because they didn’t change my answers. Bad, because I didn’t proofread myself at all (except to make sure Asiatic really was a word), assuming their editors would fix my massive amounts of grammatical errors. C’est la vie. Anyways, go check it out at .


Today’s story comes from my job, with a dash of Norse and Christian mythos tossed in for flavor.

For those who don’t know, I work in a factory. We make kids drinks, coctail mixes, and what we like to call “Adult Capri Suns”, aka wine cooler slushies in a pouch. I run a line that makes kids drinks. Shockingly, I make more money now than when I made the alcohol based drinks. Who’da thunk it, right?

Well, there’s three kinds of caps used here: screw on (think soda pop bottles); press on (think of the milk caps that you have to peel off the bit around the side); and melt on. I work with the melt on caps. They are both complicated and deceptively easy. Foil cap goes on plastic bottle. Bottle goes under a metal “puck” that’s heated to round about 450 degrees Fareinheit, melting the plastic bottle rim to the foil cap. Tada!

Here’s a puck, all shiny and clean.

Clean Puck

Here’s a puck on top of a bottle. The groove on the side of the puck is where it locks into the capper machine.

Puck on a bottle, to demonstrate how it works.

And this is what a group of them look like all nastified and soaking in restaurant quality grill cleaner. It’s a combo of burnt sugar and plastic residue, which will be explained later in the actual story.

Ewwww! Don't worry, though. None of this can actually touch a drinking surface!

Sunday evenings, I go in an hour early to work. I set up my line, turn on all the machines and the like, and make sure everything is running properly, and that the “juice” is mixed correctly before any of the other employees that work on my line come in, so there’s little downtime. One of the first things I do is change the pucks. Throughout the week they get bits of melted plastic and burnt sugar collected on them, due to bottles that go into the machine wrong, the cap not staying on right between the filler and the capper, what have you. We run between 340-380 bottles per minute. There’s bound to be fucked up bottles eventually. Well, this gunk is a problem. You see, the inside of the puck is shaped to cup the top of the bottle, and apply even heat so the seal seals properly. This stuff, if enough accumulates, can mess with that, and cause partial seals, push the cap off to one side, what have you. Not fun, and makes more work for myself and the others on my line. So, at least once a week (more if the machine is being a royal pain and not wanting to do a damned thing right), we rotate out the pucks to a clean set.

By “we”, I mean “me”.

For some odd reason, the other two shifts at work now insist that they never, ever are to change out the pucks, and that it is solely the perview of graveyard. *insert eyerolls here*

So. Imagine my surprise when I go to get the pucks I scrubbed clean on Friday, and find that the bucket is full of dirty, grimy pucks, plus the clean spare. I immediately called my manager over, and we declared it a miracle, on par with the Virgin Birth. Just like the birth of Jesus, this doesn’t happen. Ever.

Hell, it’s nearly as rare as a near virgin birth, like the story of Osmotar. Don’t know the story? Well, Osmotar was getting married, and when she was planning the reception, she and her mother realized “Oh shit. No one’s invented beer yet!” So, after her mother failed horribly, Osmotar got a weird idea in her head. First, she put a splinter in her girlie place, and gave birth to a squirrel, who brought back, depending on the story teller, hops or pinecones. That didn’t do it, though it did taste better. So she stuck a wood chip in her girlie place, and out popped a bird. That birdie brought back bear spit, cause it was foamy. Ick, but closer. So Osmotar stuck a flower up there, and gave birth to a bee. It flew and brought back honey to add to the pot. That was the final thing needed, and soon the beer was foaming up and over flowing everywhere. And yet, she was still considered a virgin when married, cause she never had a boy part in her girlie part before her honeymoon. Don’t believe me, look it up.

So yeah. I’m still shocked, and all “OMG, daylight and/or evening shift ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING other than sit on their ass all night!”

The End